Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chillin' (literally) in Mountain View...

It is getting colder and colder here in Mountain View. The temperture has dropped into the mid 30s-hard to believe I am living in California!

I got no plans for Christmas yet-but I will be sending out ecards to friends and potential clients soon. I like to keep in touch with people who helped me out in the past-so few people fit that description, particularly when building a startup company. Most are looking to take as much money as they can from you and run. 

I found many professionals more interested in bilking startups out of as much money as they are in stealing the "idea" itself.  Most are too dumb or lazy to even examine your "idea"-they seek a quick payoff and will say crap ideas are works of genius-for them money is money. Crappy ideas make them the same amount as good ones.

I find that many professionals of such low caliber dominate the sponsored search results on google. I do not know why but some of the worst companies I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with are the heaviest sponsored pay per click advertisers on the major search engines. Many may be forced to advertise on pay per click because they cannot keep existing customers satisfied. 

Myabuy hates these type of "professionals" but unfortunately they outnumber the honest ones by a large number. 

Chief Myabuyer signing off-to all a good night!

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