Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why California cannot get out of their fiscal hole...

The state of California has a governor whose balls seem to have fallen off-although to be fair after year of rampant steroid use they were probably non existent when he first took office, lol

Republicans in California "holding just 29 of 80 Assembly seats and 15 of 40 state Senate seats[...] have great power even though they are a distinct and declining minority in a heavily blue state. Why? Because of the two-thirds vote rule, GOP legislators can be pure to their principles. Living in a Proposition 13 world, the state Republican Party has little incentive to reach out to the moderates necessary to win a majority in the state house." 

This explains why California government is so dysfunctional it cannot pass a budget. Arnold for all his bluster is really a "girlie man" (the term Dana Carvey coined in SNL parodies.) Too afraid to challenge a (hopefully) soon to be extinct minority of partisan hacks.  He is neither tough (like his carefully constructed movie image) or a person who can get things done-the two claims he made against Gray Davis during the recall drive.  
So what is the difference between the two? About 18 billion dollars-the amount Arnold added to the California deficit (Source:,8599,1907506,00.html)

He is in every sense of the word a "girlie man"  A pretend action star who believed his hype. It is a shame that a recall put a B-grade action star into the governors house. It is a greater shame that the state now has to rely on a pathetic 60 year old man with no balls,  growing man boobies and a botched botox job. He still has tons of one liners but California deserves more then that. How sad.

Another political post. sorry about that-I just had to get it off my chest. 

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