Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why do some people “hate” Charlie Sheen

This is my personal opinion but I find it disgusting how many people now dismiss Charlie Sheen as a joke and trying to diminish his accomplishments by comparing him to Snookie and reality TV show stars.

First Charlie Sheen is a damn good award winning actor, who has a career spanning 3 decades now. As proof, I suggest you watch Platoon, Wall Street, Hot Shots, and Major League-all classics that show an amazing acting range. It is a false equivalency to say he is the equivalent in importance to snookie, or other nobodies who are cashing in on their 15 minutes of fame for dubious accomplishments.

He is a real star, not a reality show contestant!

Its funny that so many people see such a good actor behave a little manic and try to beat him down so he is less of a person. Why do people drag others down just for the heck of it. Charlie Sheen deserves respect (a lot of it) because he is truly someone who made a difference in life (even if its just for his great portrayal of greed run amok in Wall Street, the horrors of the Vietnam War in Platoon, or wonderful parodies of the Top Gun and baseball movies.) That is natural talent and and a positive legacy that we should remember long after the catch phrases and inteviews with 20/20!

The real tragedy is the legacy this will leave on a stellar actor that is far better than many of the “stars” and celebrities critics are now comparing him too. By disparaging him as a famous for doing nothing “celebrity” is just mean, nasty and petty.

If this editorial ever spreads I would like to say Charlie Sheen deserves a lot better than how the “haters” are treating him! I hope he finds peace and regains his rightful place as a real star of screen and TV.

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