Two different faux friends literally said that Johns Hopkins is a public school. lol Where they got such a ridiculous idea is beyond me. there is no state or city in the name, and there is no town of Johns Hopkins anywhere in the U.S...yet some people choose to be willfully ignorant of what is going on in the U.S. and the world...
I have also been told that Johns Hopkins is just a hospital-how f**king ridiculous is that? Hopkins was the first research university in the U.S., and is a lot more than just a hospital-it is not the Mayo or Cleveland Clinic! There are a ton of different majors, programs and leaders that came out Hopkins-the treasury secretary of the U.S., Tim Geither is a Hopkins grad (SAIS) for peat sake!
Sometimes I wonder where people latch onto false ideas, and how they parrot them and pollute their ignorance to friends, colleagues and total is a shame that people do not know more about a great school like Johns Hopkins and the wonderful students and alumni who contribute so much to the U.S. (and world) If there were more Hopkins grads, this world would be in a lot better shape! This is just my 2 cents:)
-from the desk of the Privacy Pioneer (aka Mr Myabuy himself)
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