I came to Mountain View, CA to assist my web 2.0 start up Myabuy.com.
Many assume web start ups are funded by big venture capitalists who throw millions of dollars at companies that may or may not succeed.
This is not why I came though. While it would be nice to have millions of dollars thrown my way by Venture Capitalists, I have never sought Venture Capital help with this atypical web start up.
The Millions of dollars the lucky, very few start ups receive come with a Catch-22. Your start up is not entirely yours anymore. In many cases you go from being the majority shareholder(s) to minority shareholders who may be seen as expendable.
Many friends assume I came to Mountain View, California to seek Venture Capital funding but that is not the case. I came to an area that I had only been to once before to immerse myself in Silicon Valley culture, make connections and learn from entrepreneurs who had "been there and done that."
I want my start up to be a success, and unlike some of the more stubborn entrepreneurs out there, I know I still have a lot to learn. Money and Venture Capital funding comes and goes but accurate business insights last forever.
That is why myabuy.com and the company I founded Myabuy, LLC is an atypical start up. I did come to Silicon Valley to make my fortune but more importantly I want myabuy.com to make it's mark on popular culture. To create a site that has a positive lasting legacy in the minds of Internet users worldwide.
-Chief Myabuyer
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