Thursday, March 11, 2010

Girls Gone Wild, FB and Myspace are the same-its a real shame!

The only difference between what Girls Gone Wild and Facebook or myspace is Girls Gone Wild promises kids that flash a free cheap t-shirt! All three are corporations that exploits your kids and their friends in the same shameless way.

Both the owner of Girls Gone Wild or facebook, and myspace don't give a shit about your kid or the damaging long term consequences they pushed your kid to reveal and disclose everything. The owners of both these corporations are not your friends-they know their "product" offers no redeeming value. What they do is wrong on so many levels-the founders are likely headed to hell or reincarnated into a gnat/dung beetle/tampon for Joan get the idea.

Well myabuy is gonna be different-and considering the competition that's a GOOD thing. While I am not friends with all my users I always respect them and their information. I am also the founder of and enjoy talking about what myabuy can do for all of you.

Best Wishes,

The Myabuyer

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why do people go on networks that make them dumber?

I always wonder why people go on social networks that are proven to negatively impact their daily lives. A recent study reported in most major newspapers, notes that active facebook users are on average a full GPA point lower then their non-facebook using counterparts. That 1 point GPA difference is huge.

Most grad schools and many employers seriously consider GPA when interviewing prospective candidates, particularly in a crowded job market like this one Unless the person has George Bush like connections, they will be at a huge disadvantage in a bad economy.

At the end of the day what does the active facebook user (or myspace, hi5, whatever) have to show for their loyalty? Business connections? hardly. Finding the next big job? yeah right. Improving their chances of landing a dream job or getting accepted to a great school? please.

I have yet to read about someone whose life improved by social networks that expose the complete blow by blow details of their users for anyone doing a google search to see. However I have read articles every single day about how some professor, or politician and the average Joe getting fired or denied promotions, because of some stupid picture, comment or message posted by themselves-or others on social networks like facebook, myspace, etc. When a social network does not care about your privacy, anything you or someone else does becomes your responsibility-and liability.

My advice is to use a social network that benefits rather then hinders your life now and in the future...Your life and future is worth more then what many social networks are offering up now. There is hope, my fellow bloggers-stay tuned for more-myabuy style!

-A myabuyer

Tired of the abnormally cold weather haunting the East Coast and in particular South Florida!

I am so tired of the cold weather in Palm Beach Gardens. Why is the cold front lasting so long on the East Coast:(
While this may seem like a post better suited to twitter, it does impact more then just me and the people of South Florida-Manatee's an endangered species are dying in record numbers this winter. Just because the weather is now cold does not negate the fact that global warming is happening and that abnormal weather changes are highly destructive to our way of life. Just my 2 cents on a non myabuy Business topic that I also care about...

-A loyal Myabuyer