Republicans in California "holding just 29 of 80 Assembly seats and 15 of 40 state Senate seats[...] have great power even though they are a distinct and declining minority in a heavily blue state. Why? Because of the two-thirds vote rule, GOP legislators can be pure to their principles. Living in a Proposition 13 world, the state Republican Party has little incentive to reach out to the moderates necessary to win a majority in the state house."
This explains why California government is so dysfunctional it cannot pass a budget. Arnold for all his bluster is really a "girlie man" (the term Dana Carvey coined in SNL parodies.) Too afraid to challenge a (hopefully) soon to be extinct minority of partisan hacks. He is neither tough (like his carefully constructed movie image) or a person who can get things done-the two claims he made against Gray Davis during the recall drive.
So what is the difference between the two? About 18 billion dollars-the amount Arnold added to the California deficit (Source:,8599,1907506,00.html)
He is in every sense of the word a "girlie man" A pretend action star who believed his hype. It is a shame that a recall put a B-grade action star into the governors house. It is a greater shame that the state now has to rely on a pathetic 60 year old man with no balls, growing man boobies and a botched botox job. He still has tons of one liners but California deserves more then that. How sad.
Another political post. sorry about that-I just had to get it off my chest.