Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chillin' (literally) in Mountain View...

It is getting colder and colder here in Mountain View. The temperture has dropped into the mid 30s-hard to believe I am living in California!

I got no plans for Christmas yet-but I will be sending out ecards to friends and potential clients soon. I like to keep in touch with people who helped me out in the past-so few people fit that description, particularly when building a startup company. Most are looking to take as much money as they can from you and run. 

I found many professionals more interested in bilking startups out of as much money as they are in stealing the "idea" itself.  Most are too dumb or lazy to even examine your "idea"-they seek a quick payoff and will say crap ideas are works of genius-for them money is money. Crappy ideas make them the same amount as good ones.

I find that many professionals of such low caliber dominate the sponsored search results on google. I do not know why but some of the worst companies I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with are the heaviest sponsored pay per click advertisers on the major search engines. Many may be forced to advertise on pay per click because they cannot keep existing customers satisfied. 

Myabuy hates these type of "professionals" but unfortunately they outnumber the honest ones by a large number. 

Chief Myabuyer signing off-to all a good night!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A cold bleak day in Mountain View...

Well it is freezing in Mountain View now. I am chilly just typing this. I notice that most apts in this area are built in the same cheap way-with paper thin windows that let in drafts, and no insulation whatsoever! 
This may help anyone planning on coming to Mountain View-paying more does not result in higher quality building standards. Also be prepared for the gut wrenching PG&E bills both in Summer and winter. I wonder if the owner of this building would ever live in this apt unit-I highly doubt it. 

Being cold is not good for the mind. When i have to try to get warm it wastes time. I hate wasting time-that includes time wasted on the web- waiting for pages to download, trying to get rid of annoying banner ads, removing the pop ups that seem to lurk on every mainstream site.  

I wonder if the sites allowing pop ups to sprinkle my screen realize how annoying this is. I wonder if they would tolerate and enjoy the pop ups if they were in the users place. Very little online is worth enduring the hell most people go through just to read the news, or go to a site.

That is a pet peeve-why do SO many sites force the viewer (me) to endure some wretched commercial or unwelcome ad that I have to click "X" on, just to get the content I desire. Do these sites know how much of my time they are wasting. Perhaps it is some experiment-how many hurdles with a person go through to get to the content they want. 

When is fully launched (soon now) web users will realize much time the sites make them waste to get what they desire. I welcome web users to experience the web without obstacles, hurdles, and pop ups, rollover ads, and banner ads- better then anything anyone can imagine.  


Chief Myabuyer-

the man behind!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The benefits of NOT seeking VC funding!

I know most startup tech companies in this area rely on and are consequently beholden to Venture Capitalists. Many do not realize what exactly they are giving up by seeking Venture Capital financing right off the back. The earlier you seek the more they will demand. 

Capital is becoming very expensive, loans are harder to get and Venture Capital will want more and offer less (money that is.)  Many startups (venture capital backed or not) will probably not survive this recession. Big companies with far great name recognition have already gone under-and there will be more to come. The storm has arrived and is still gaining strength. 

Those who manage to keep a big stake in their startup, and can survive without Venture Capital are in a better position than many bearish economists think. And I have a huge stake in to be exact. I will not let this company fail, because it is my capital on the line-not Venture Capitalists. Walking away and calling it a day is not a viable exit strategy.

This is an atypical startup-but it is also one that will be successful. I would not bet my capital on "a dog with fleas" (a term coined in the movie Wall Street.)

Chief myabuyer wishing all who read this (however many that is) a good nite.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Still cold and dealing with another doubter!

It is still pretty darn cold in Mountain View. Coming from the East Coast I am used to cold, but still. 

Also dealing with another doubter-a friend who suggested I find a job in the area and give up on my web 2.0 dream for now. I did not reply to his email but alas I do not agree with him. First I came to Mountain View for is it. Not for the weather-which is not as good as LA or Southern California. Not for the women-who are not remarkable either-and certainly not for the down home hospitality. I came to do business and make a success. 

I am starting to realize that social life in this area is not important. I can develop a nice one later. Making life long buddies in this area should not be a priority either- I have more then enough friends both in Southern California, on the East Coast and in pretty much all the major Asian powers or emerging superpowers. They are true friends-not business contacts, or casual buddies. is shaping up pretty well. In a startup determination is a big factor-at least in my case. I have had more people tell me to give up on and get a 9-5 job then supporters. They seem to think that I have all the time in the world. Well I just turned 30, and me and my family have sacrificed a lot to help me get to this point-I am not going to settle for a 9-5 job.  Their sacrifices will not be in vain. 

It is my time for to shine-and prove to the doubters that is more then just a far fetched dream-it is the future of the web.


Chief Myabuyer

Its getting damn cold in Mountain View!!!

I did not realize how cold the mountain View area can get. It is too cold for me to get to sleep-and considering many apts (including mine) still use single pane, thin windows I am feeling every bit of it.

I notice apts in mountain View believe it necessary to include basic utilities like free central heat-in my apt I am lucky to get free hot water and trash pick up. WTF is that about. It is not like living costs in this area are cheap. or that the apts are super nice and luxurious.

I often wonder if the owner of this building would ever live in my unit-my guess is no way. He would be as cold now as I am. I know there are people who are living in far colder places then Mountain View, but still...

With my web 2.0 site geting close to launch and completing an online MBA at University of Wales I have a lot on my mind already-and the darn cold is not helping!

Catch up with whoever reads this blog later. I will be trying to get some rest-if possible.

-Chief Myabuyer brings order to the chaos of the Internet. P.S.-I came up with that slogan just now:-)